
Kitchen Adventures

I know the 5 of you who read this blog are chomping at the bit, ready for me to reveal my brand spankin' new kitchen! I hate to disappoint you, but it's not done yet.  We've been working hard on it, but we've run into a few...adventures.

Adventure #1 - We shattered a 3'x9' granite slab. Yep, 250 bucks down the drain. As I always say, "What doesn't kill us makes us more broke."  We bought another piece and moved on.

Adventure #2 - Remember the great deal on door/window trim (casing) that we got? Yeah. It wasn't the same stuff.  Unfortunately, Mark didn't notice until he had already installed it on some of our doorways.  The one we picked was very square...this one has soft edges. Needless to say, it's the one we're sticking with!

Adventure #3 - Mark thought it would be a good idea for ME to lay the tile in our kitchen (while he made all the necessary cuts).  I'm a perfectionist and our 62 year old floor is not. Mark had to intervene a few times, but we're all still alive.

So, as you can see, remodeling doesn't always go the way you want it to.  You learn that you have to be a little bit flexible and have a lot of patience (throw in some good spousal communication and you've got it made!).

To hold you over until the big reveal, here are a few sneak peaks.

I leave for Washington DC on Saturday and get back the following Friday night. I'm hoping to be able to use my kitchen when I get back!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Looks so good can't wait to see more.



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